• S-N-A-K-E-S

    Made when Simon Reinhardt was visiting Pittsburgh in April of 2017 for PIX, the Pittsburgh Independent Comics Expo. It was a confusing time, so naturally, this is a confusing zine.

  • Hope and Perseverance

    I’m currently looking for work as a Software Developer. I’m at the Junior level right now and have I’ve been looking for work since May. It’s been a challenge, as you can imagine. I’m smart and hardworking, but so are a lot of people. Companies have only recently started to rehire as state ordinances allow businesses to open up more so there's a lot of demand for work and not a lot of supply of work.

  • Eggnog and Pencil Shavings

    Last December I was asked to illustrate a holiday card for the Greater Pittsburgh Arts Council. This is the process of how I made it.

  • That Box We Sit On

    That Box We Sit On by Richie Pope is a little comics miracle. This comic, much like Super Itis and Fatherson, is a testament to the power of Richie Pope’s imagination. I want to pop open the hood and take a look at what I see going on in this excellent short story.

  • The Vanity of Ghosts

    Instagram makes me lonely. For a while I've tried to figure out why.

  • On Kernel Image Transformations

    I’d like to share the paper I wrote for my senior thesis in linguistics from Carnegie Mellon University, **Kernel Image Transformations: **An exploration of transformational grammar in visual language. My advisor for this was the ever helpful and patient, Thomas Werner. A huge thank you to him for helping me cross the finish-line on this.


  • <3 June 13th, 2020 <3

    Dear friends, Jenn and I have been sitting on an announcement that a lot of you already know: we’re getting married!

    We are so thankful to have each other. It’s a real blessing to have someone who is there with you through it all. Thick and thin. It’s been an amazing 6 years that have helped us realize that we want to spend our lives together.


  • A list of breath lost

    Tom Spurgeon, THE COMICS REPORTER, is gone.

    I keep thinking about Tom. I barely knew him. I mean, I did and I didn’t. And yet, I’ve been thinking about him everyday. I miss him. I couldn’t exist making, reading and theorizing about comics and visual language in America without someone like Tom, building the internet.


  • On "writing" in comics.

    The other night, over dinner here in Pittsburgh, Jenn and I were talking about making autobio comics and she asked “Are comics mostly writing? Only?”. It made me stop in my tracks.

    That’s a good question.


  • Comics as a Tool for Understanding Cognition

    These are further reflections on thoughts from a previous post to help me prepare my thoughts for a talk that I’m giving at the Small Press Expo in Bethesda, Maryland.

    I look at comics a lot. But I don’t look at them the way I think you think I do.

    Deep down I’m a linguist trying to understand language, particularly interested in visual language. I’m convinced that comics are attractive to us as a mode of expression because they allow our human eyes to read images that line up with the mental models that we create for how we “see” the world. You can think of cartoons as diagrams of our existing, procedural abstractions of the world and comics sequences as visual abstractions of how we model the passage of time in our minds.

    Why do we cartoon the way we do? Is there a biological reason for it? I believe so.