Dear friends, Jenn and I have been sitting on an announcement that a lot of you already know: we’re getting married!

We are so thankful to have each other. It’s a real blessing to have someone who is there with you through it all. Thick and thin. It’s been an amazing 6 years that have helped us realize that we want to spend our lives together.

Collaborative drawing by me and Jenn.

We had been planning our wedding for this coming June, but the state of the world is quite different from what we expected when we started planning last year. Who could have imagined a pandemic to have struck the world the way it has? We aren’t sure if the wedding we end up having will be anything like the one we have been planning. We’ll see how it all shakes out…

It’s a tumultuous time for everyone with this pandemic and we’re very lost as to how best to move forward. We’re hanging in there. Jenn’s working at Reed Smith remotely and I’m completing my Web Developer coding bootcamp at Academy Pittsburgh remotely. Our finances aren’t totally wrecked by the economic windfall of Covid-19. I’d planned to be without an income right now to study full time and Jenn’s work adapted to remote without a hitch. Phew.

In these wild times, I wish to share our love and joy with you, because it’s clear we all need a little more of both in our lives. Sending you all love from our little corner of the world.

Thanks for being there for me and Jenn on this journey. No matter what happens, we’re getting married and I will share it with you in some way!

J & J

An Image of Juan and Jennifer