artist, developer, and teacher.
Resume | Coding Portfolio | Design Portfolio | Comics Teaching Philosophy

πŸ’» I'm a full-stack developer with a deep interest in language, art, economics, system design, and community development. I love building great applications, solving puzzles, and trying to break stuff.

✏️ I am a cartoonist that makes experimental and poetic comics. My work centers around love and curiosity while expanding and bending the comics medium by implementing visual language theory.

🌐 I was born in Venezuela, was raised in Ohio and currently live in Pennsylvania.

πŸŽ“I studied Linguistics and Programming at Carnegie Mellon University and received an MFA from the Center of Cartoon Studies.

⚑ I am the Managing Editor at Comics Workbook.

🍎 I provide one-on-one tutoring and mentoring for comics makers and cartoonists.

✏️ I run the Pittsburgh Comics Salon

πŸ“š I co-run the Pittsburgh Zine Fair

βœ‰οΈ You can reach me atΒ

❀️ commodity form as community form ❀️