• Gearing up for BCGF

    The eagerness of the sun to set nowadays is really hitting me hard. Given that the early dusk causes me to naturally feel down and generally drowsy, I’m fighting pretty hard to stay productive and on top of things. Slowly but surely things are getting done.

    Just on the horizon, fueling my cartooning fires, is the Brooklyn Comics and Graphics Festival. Tomorrow I’ll be putting these copies of On They Bicker Together so as to have something to hand out and trade with the nice folks that I come across. Being as particular as I am about my comics, I’m actually thinking of re-lettering the comic on velum on a rainy day, but that’s for another post.


  • skritchy skratchy skretches

    Lots of ground to cover in this post.

    For starters, why pay for a yearbook when you can make one yourself? Here’s a peek at the 2012 CCS yearbook.


  • splotchy inks that make you think

    Here’s a peek at the ink that’s been flowing recently. As you can tell, Joann Sfar has been big on my mind recently.


  • Riffin' on Krazy Kat

    Ain’t got too much to say today, just wanted to share some strips I made with you.


  • Monoprint Comics Round 1

    Here’s a little experiment for Jason Lutes’ Cartooning Studio. The goal is to evoke an intense emotional experience. Can you guess what I’m attempting to depict?


  • On They Bicker

    As promised, here’s my newest comic, On They Bicker. It’s a little rough around the edges, but it tells a story and that’s what comics are about, right? I’d love to hear what you think of it.


  • Brave Little Ramona and Windbag Wallace

    Here’s a peek at the lineart of the comic that I’m currently working on. It should be all done tomorrow, both the web version and the print version.

    I took loads of inspiration from Jordan Crane in terms of line variance and character design. I used a brush here and did everything by hand with ink and opaque white. I’ve never used brushes when making comics, so I thought I better stick close to the technique of someone whose work I love, if I wanted to churn out something that I’d be happy to look at. So far, I’m pretty damn proud of this comic. I’d be confident to say it’s my best so far. It’s a fun little story based on the fable of the Sun, the Wind and the Traveller’s Cloak.


  • Colored Harper Comic

    Happy Monday to all y’all. Here’re the finished colors on the Charley Harper comic.


  • Harpin' on Charley

    As promised, here’s a look at the Charley Harper styled comic poster that I mentioned earlier. Finally got a chance to redraw it. Nothing fancy, just a little wordless meditation. You know how much I like those.

    Take a peek and stay peeled for the color version.


  • Andromeda goes Quarterly

    I’m excited to relay the following announcement from Little Tired Press regarding the newest issue of Andromeda and it’s transition to a quarterly publication: