An image of the Hyperlink Academy homepage

This January I’m starting an online comics-making club over on called Comics Making for the Rest of Us. This is the first of a series of courses and clubs that I’ll be facilitating over on that site.

I’m excited about Hyperlink Academy. Very excited. For a long time I’ve been trying to figure out how to teach comics from the ground up in an exciting, collaborative, and social way where the technology needed isn’t too clunky. Hyperlink streamlines it all.

The team at Hyperlink Academy recognize that learning happens in all kinds of ways, and everyone has different preferences. Some people want intimate conversation and detailed feedback. Some want hands-on work, learning via trial and error. Some want to listen to lectures, or digest books and videos. And so on.

Many learning environments, both in schools and online, are rooted in lecture-based formats. This mode of learning isn’t bad…but it’s rarely the most effective. Chances are if you’ve tried an online course and failed to find it engaging, it’s more an issue of video fatigue than a problem with you.

Hyperlink aims to correct this imbalance, with a strong focus on enabling active, participatory learning experiences. They have a powerful community discussion space that enables a new kind of community based learning that isn’t rooted in a physical region. Accessible pockets of conversation tucked away from the noise of the surface level internet.

I’m creating this club with the aim of creating new type of learning space for comics-making, continuing the mission of the Comics Workbook project in a new environment. The idea is to create a space for creative solidarity and asynchronous peer-based learning through comics-making and discussion.

I’m serious about creating a welcoming and supportive environment for comics making. I’m excited to lead a cohort through a new kind of exploration of the medium that engages with the comics as a fertile vector for visual language communication.

Comics are, after all, the quietly ascendant art form.

Interested in joining the first cohort? Learn more and Sign up here.

An 8 panel comics grid with a colorful background shimmering

🎶 Currently listening to:
Victor Vaughn - Lactose and Lecithin