📝This archived post is originally from my old comics focused Wordpress blog from 2011-2019. That site was a space to publicly commit to learning the art and craft of cartooning and self-publishing. These posts are full of a naive enthusiasm that though at times embarrassing, I'm proud of. I hope you find them useful in some way.❤️

hearty greetings to all!

You know the rules, first off, some updates, second some doodles and the like and finally some music.

My recent illustration gigs turned out well. Made some work I’m proud of, got some money for my and got to experiment with watercolors. The only thing I really lost out on was sleep. The following is for an illustration that I prepared for the Quechee Public Library’ s annual appeal. They wanted an attention-catching piece that would cause the viewer to think about how important libraries are. I’ve gotten so much out of the libraries that I’ve come across, that I thought it was due time to give back.

If you’re wondering what’s keeping me up nowadays, it’s my current story. Jason Lutes asked us to use Wally Wood’s 22 Panels that always work in conjunction with a randomly assorted selection of story elements to create a 3 tier, 4 page story. My story was to include a magician, self defense, a small vessel, start in a marketplace and be in the tradition of the fantasy genre. Given that mixed bag, I’ve chosen to tell the story of a boy magician who performs to a crowd that doesn’t seem too receptive to his act.

In this comic, I’m experimenting by not using any pencils. Panel descriptions are all that I am allowing myself to work with before I go straight to inking the page. The purpose of working in this fashion is to attempt the gap between my doodling brain and my story telling brain. Given that I’m going to botch some drawings, I’m drawing the panels individually on separate sheets of paper, that is to say, tiny little rectangles.

Come Wednesday, that should be done and ready for your eyes.

and now, for some blobby bits and garish gradients.

You have no idea how much I like the little guy above. To give you an idea of how he makes me feel,  here’s Yma Sumac with Malambo No. 1 to give a sweet, juicy tune full of bombast.
