📝This archived post is originally from my old comics focused Wordpress blog from 2011-2019. That site was a space to publicly commit to learning the art and craft of cartooning and self-publishing. These posts are full of a naive enthusiasm that though at times embarrassing, I'm proud of. I hope you find them useful in some way.❤️

These past couple of days I’ve been volunteering during the big move for the Schulz Library at the Center for Cartoon Studies. Why a big move?

It just so happens that in the summer of 2011, Hurricane Irene brought some scary floods to the Upper Valley. At the time the Schulz Library was located right next to the White River, sharing a store front with White River Junction’s Main Street Museum. As such, the precious collection was in serious risk of permanent damage. With a collection as spectacular as CCS’ something had to be done. The books HAD to be kept safe.

You can read more about the evacuation of the previous location on The Beat courtesy Jen Vaughn. After the evacuation they’ve been in temporary storage in the Telegraph building in White River Junction.

Long story short, the Schulz Library is officially home and it is looking beautiful.

I’m looking forward to the official opening of the library so that I can finally get to reading the odds and ends of the collection. The collection of anthologies and of international comics is nothing short of a dream come true. And yes, it’s true, CCS has copies of NON, the anthology that Jordan Crane created and edited a while back.

Needless to say, I can’t wait until those doors officially open. Below are some photos of the move process.