📝This archived post is originally from my old comics focused Wordpress blog from 2011-2019. That site was a space to publicly commit to learning the art and craft of cartooning and self-publishing. These posts are full of a naive enthusiasm that though at times embarrassing, I'm proud of. I hope you find them useful in some way.❤️

dear diary, I want to fill you in on what’s happened since the last time we talked.

I moved back to Pittsburgh to be by Jenn’s side. We’ve been making lots of little books and spending lots of time together.

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As I type this I’m settled in Pittsburgh, I live and work here again. But something big happened before I moved back.

Picture 4I got my MFA from the Center for Cartoon Studies! 10373847_10101351361118888_3057730517294065172_n

That’s right, I finished my studies at the Center for Cartoon Studies with this fine crew of cartoonists. Aaron Shrewsbury, Simon Reinhardt, Ben Evans, Josh Lees, Eleri Harris, Allison Banister, Will Payne, Mathew New, Tom O’Brien, Ben Gowen, Steven Krall, Luke Healy and Sara Sarmiento. (Not picture, but adored : Iris Yan)

So how did I graduate? My studies culminated in what you see below. IMG_25383

I challenged myself to make a book every month. and wouldn’t you know it from November through the month of May I churned 6 books. Every month I explored different terrain, but for the most part I held on tight to the 4 panel grid. I wanted to use my time at CCS to learn my comics scales. I wanted to learn first hand how rich a world of comics I could create on my own with only four panels. I’m really proud of the result. (I built 12 of these little drawer boxes.)

These comics ended up being ruminations on love, fantasy, and moments both big and small. I collaged, watercolored, doodled, and digital painted my way to my deadlines. I was hoping to create a work situation where I could blend playful experimentation with a committed publication schedule. I feel I succeeded in that.

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The time at CCS was balanced between my thesis, two part time jobs and lots and lots of talking to Jenn over the phone. I missed her. I was extremely focused, but it’ll come as no surprise that by March I was getting worn down. A monthly deadline is nothing to sneeze. It can drain you. When my spirits were low I had friends and family that blew rejuvenating winds in my sails._ I couldn’t have done this without you. _


Since I’ve been back I’ve been up to a lot of things.

Jenn and I have been spending time with sweet, sweet pups. photo (15)

We’ve been going to a couple of little comics expositions.

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Pulling Screens.

Picture 5

Printing Covers!

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We even got a chance to go back to Assemble to facilitate another comics making Crafternoon!

photo (20) I released another issue of Dog City with Luke Healy and Simon Reinhardt. Without a doubt our best one yet! Thinking about this issue just brings a tear to my eye…


I’m so proud of everyone’s work in this box. It has been an honor to bring this work into the world.

Picture 6

We brought this issue into the world in style by celebrating its release at Copacetic Comics, along with the release of the third issue of Maple Key Comics!


I started organizing the Pittsburgh comics salon with Frank Santoro.


We meet up every month to do drawing and comics sequencing exercises, catch up with each others’ comics making, share what we’re reading/watching and drink hearty amounts of coffee. The goal of these salons is to help build solidarity across Pittsburgh’s fertile comics making community. I want to make a welcoming space where experimentation and playfulness in comics making are encouraged and fostered.


Jenn and I went to Cleveland and sold comics at Ghengiscon, Cleveland’s underground comics show. I was so happy that we got to be side by side. Sales were great and the energy was amazing. 1503347_750084031751368_5128615598532818946_n 10384612_750084005084704_6453449555123341532_n

So, it’s been 8 months what are we up to now round these parts?

Picture 9Well, I’m transitioning into new work teaching in the city. I’m focusing on linguistic explorations of visual language, using comics as the basis for those studies, soaking up all the work of Neil Cohn, planning some book making projects for PIX, the Pittsburgh Indy Comics Expo, traveling back and forth between Ohio and Pennsylvania to see my family and staying cozy by Jenn’s side.

That’s about it for now.

How about you, what are you up to?