📝This archived post is originally from my old comics focused Wordpress blog from 2011-2019. That site was a space to publicly commit to learning the art and craft of cartooning and self-publishing. These posts are full of a naive enthusiasm that though at times embarrassing, I'm proud of. I hope you find them useful in some way.❤️

This weekend I’ll be working on a 24 hour comic from Saturday until Sunday at the Toonseum in Pittsburgh.

I’ve been thinking about what to do and one of my goals is to create a work that has a loose, fast and expressive ink style. That might or might not happen.

I’ll probably stick to a uniform frame format, so as to not have to reinvent the wheel on every page, given last year’s failure. I had some lofty aspirations that weren’t. Nevertheless, despite those lofty aspirations,  when I went back to work on the comic a week later, the ideas in the work simply weren’t strong enough for me to continue investing time. It was great as an exploratory work, but a failure in any and all other respects.

Surprisingly, I’m not saddened when I look back at this failed comic. This is because of all the work that I’ve been able to churn out in the past year. Stories like Lionel and the Punks and Old Conrad, and explorations in caricature have allowed me to make a great deal of progress. What’s a failed comic in a sea of finished ones?

I’ll be sure to keep you posted on the developments this weekend, but don’t expect any live coverage via tweets or facebook. I don’t do that shit.